10 x 15 cm photo paper
load 37
2-wire phone cord 184, 190
4 x 6 inch photo paper, load 37
4-wire phone cord 184, 190
A4 paper, load 36
access point HW address
(wireless network settings) 146
accessories, order 150
admin password (general
network settings) 144
ADSL line. See DSL line
advanced network setup 140
align print cartridges 162
answer mode 102
answer ring pattern 82, 119
answering machine
receive faxes 102, 109
setup 92, 93
troubleshoot 189
attention light 11
authentication type (wireless
network settings) 145
auto answer
button 9
light 9
automatic document feeder
clean 194
feeding problems,
troubleshoot 194
jams, troubleshoot 193
load original 33
reattach face plate 198
remove face plate 194
automatic fax reports 113
banner paper
load 39
baud rate 121
best copy quality 55
blocked carriage 175
borderless copies
fill entire page 59
photo 58
borderless photos
print from memory card 50
broadband Internet 136
button 10
copy 66
fax 108, 119, 123
print job 74
scan 71
carriage, blocked 175
cartridges. See print cartridges
CAT-5 Ethernet cable 136
channel (wireless network
settings) 145
automatic document
feeder 194
exterior 153
glass 152
lid backing 153
print cartridge contacts 163
print cartridge ink nozzle
area 164
print cartridges 163
copies 63
intensity 62
communication mode (wireless
network settings) 144
CompactFlash memory card 42
computer gateway 133
computer modem
set up with fax 85, 87, 93
troubleshoot 184, 187
config source (general network
settings) 143
configuration page 139, 141
connect multiple computers
connection problems, fax
184, 186, 189
connection type screen,
Windows 138
connection types supported
Ethernet 24
printer sharing 24
USB 24
contrast, fax 117
control panel
enter text 112
overview 9
scroll speed 166
control panel display
change language 171
change measurements 172
documents 57
borderless copies 58
cancel 66
color intensity 62
copy specifications 220
default settings 65
enhance light areas 63
enlarge 61
enlarge into poster 64
iron-on transfers 65
legal to letter 62
menu 12
menu button 11
number of copies 56
paper size 53
paper types,
recommended 54
photos onto letter or A4
paper 59
photos, enhance 63
quality 55
reduce 61, 62
reduce/enlarge 12, 61
several on one page 60
size, custom 61
speed 55
text, enhance 63
two-sided 57
correct port test, fax 182
customer support
Australia 208
contact 205
HP Quick Exchange
Service (Japan) 209
User Guide

Japan 209
Korea 208
North America 205
outside U.S. 206
serial number 205
service ID 205
website 204
faxes 117
darken, copies 62
date, set 111
declaration of conformity
European Economic Area
HP Officejet 7200 All-in-
One series 228
default gateway (general
network settings) 143
default settings
copy 65
fax 117
restore 167
defaults, restoring 139
device update
about 202
Macintosh 203
Windows 202
dial tone test, failure 183
digital camera
PictBridge 51
distinctive ringing 82, 102, 119
DNS server (general network
settings) 143
Document viewer
HP Director (Windows) 15
double-sided faxes 105, 109
DPOF file 52
DSL line, set up with fax 80
Embedded Web Server (EWS)
password settings 144
using 140
settings 146
enlarging copies 59
enter text 112
load 39
inkjet supplies recycling
environmental product
stewardship program 222
environmental specifications
error correction mode (ECM)
error reports, fax 113
Ethernet 23
Ethernet connection
Internet access 133
wireless 135
password settings 144
using 140
factory defaults, restore 167
fast copy quality 55
answer call 110
answer mode, set 102, 104
answer ring pattern 119
answering machine 92,
93, 187, 189
auto answer, set 104
backup fax reception 120
cancel 123
computer modem, set up
85, 87, 93, 97
contrast 117
date and time 111
defaults 117
delete 122
distinctive ringing 82,
102, 119
DSL line, set up 80
enter text and symbols 112
error correction mode
(ECM) 121
fax specifications 221
forward faxes 119
header 112
Internet, over 123, 191
ISDN line, set up 81
lighten or darken 117
manual receive 110
manual send 106, 186
menu 11
menu button 9
monitor dialing 108
paper size 118
pause 112
PBX system, set up 81
phone cord 182, 184, 190
poll to receive 111
problems sending 189
receive 109
redial 106, 120
reduce automatically 120
reports 101, 105 113
reprint 122
resolution 116
rings to answer 109
schedule 107
send 104
set up 75, 180
settings 116, 117
single-sided originals
105, 109
speed 121
speed dial 107, 114, 115,
static on the phone line 190
test 101, 181
test failed 181
tone or pulse dial 118
troubleshoot 180
voice mail, set up 84, 97
volume 118
fax problems
sending and receiving 189
requirements 224
statement 224
fill entire page
photo enlargement 59
firmware version (general
network settings) 142
fit to page 61
FoIP 123, 191
forward faxes 119
four-wire phone cord 184, 190
computer 133
default setting 143
router 133
general network settings 142
clean 152
load original 34
greeting cards, load 39
group speed dial entries 115
HP Officejet 7200 All-in-One series

Hagaki cards, load 38
hardware address (general
network settings) 142
hardware setup,
troubleshooting 169
hardware test, fax 181
header, fax 112
hostname (general network
settings) 142
HP All-in-One
overview 8
HP Director
HP Instant Share 131
missing icons 177
start 14
HP email portal
HP Image Zone (OS X) 18
HP Gallery
HP Director (OS 9) 20
HP Image Zone (OS X) 17
HP help
HP Director (OS 9) 20
HP Image Edit
HP Image Zone (OS X) 17
HP Image Print
HP Image Zone (OS X) 18
HP Image Zone
HP Director (Windows) 15
HP Instant Share 129,
130, 131
Macintosh 130, 131
Macintosh (OS 9) 18
Macintosh (OS X) 16
overview 14
Windows 14, 129
HP Instant Share
e-mail photos 125, 128
e-mail scans 69
HP Image Zone (OS X) 18
overview 124
scan images 69
send images 69, 125, 128
send photos from a
memory card 125
send scanned images 127
send scans 69
send to a device 69, 125,
setup 125
HP JetDirect 23
HP on the Web
HP Director (OS 9) 20
HP Support
before you call 168
individual speed dial entries
infrastructure network 132
ink cartridges. See print
ink levels, check 154
input tray
capacities 218
install software
Macintosh 138
Windows 137
installation problems 169
Instant Share. See HP Instant
Instant Share, HP
Ethernet connection 133
broadband 136
DSL or cable with router
gateway 133
fax, using 123, 191
Internet access
modem 134
address (general network
settings) 142
settings 140
iron-on transfers
copy 65
load 39
ISDN line, set up 81
jams, paper 41, 175, 192
keypad 9, 112
load 39
left arrow 10
legal paper
load 36
letter paper
load 36
lid backing, clean 153
copies 62
faxes 117
line condition test, fax 183
config (general network
settings) 144
speed 140
10 x 15 cm photo paper 37
4 x 6 inch photo paper 37
A4 paper 36
banner paper 39
envelopes 39
full-size paper 36
greeting cards 39
Hagaki cards 38
iron-on transfers 39
labels 39
legal paper 36
letter paper 36
original 33
postcards 38
transparencies 39
Macintosh software
installation 138
main input tray 56
align print cartridges 162
check ink levels 154
clean exterior 153
clean glass 152
clean lid backing 153
clean print cartridges 163
power save mode 166
prompt delay time 167
replace print cartridges 157
restore factory defaults 167
self-test report 155
set scroll speed 166
make copies
HP Director (OS 9) 19
HP Director (Windows) 15
HP Image Zone (OS X) 17
fax reports 114
receive, fax 110
send, fax 106, 108
troubleshoot, fax 186
mDNS service name (general
network settings) 143
media. See paper
User Guide

Media Access Control (MAC)
address 142
delete faxes 122
reprint faxes 122
save faxes 120
memory cards
insert a card 43
overview 42
print DPOF file 52
print photos 50
proof sheet 45
save files to computer 43
send photos 125
specifications 221
supported 221
Memory Stick memory card 42
monitor dialing 108
more applications
HP Director (OS 9) 20
MultiMediaCard (MMC)
memory card 42
configuration page 139
connection type (general
network settings) 142
name (wireless network
settings) 144
upgrade 132
normal copy quality 55
OK button 10
On button 10
one-touch speed dial buttons 9
accessories 150
paper 149
print cartridges 149
Setup Guide 150
software 150
User Guide 150
copy paper size 53
fax paper size 118
incompatible types 35
jams 41, 175, 192
legal to letter copy 62
load 35
order 149
paper sizes 219
paper specifications 218
recommended copy paper
types 54
recommended types 34
troubleshoot 192
paper tray
paper tray capacities 218
parallel phone systems 76
password, Embedded Web
Server 144
PBX system, set up 81
receive fax 110
send fax 106
phone cord
check 182
connection, failure 182
extend 190
phone numbers, customer
support 205
menu 13
menu button 11
photo paper
load 37
borderless 50
deselect 51
e-mail 69
enhance copies 63
gray photo print cartridge
HP Image Zone 128
photo print cartridge 160
print from DPOF file 52
Quick Print 52
scan 69
send 69
send from a memory card
send scanned images 127
share 69
physical specifications 222
PictBridge 51
poll to receive fax 111
postcards, load 38
copy 64
power save mode 166
power specifications 222
both sides of page 109
cancel job 74
fax reports 101, 105, 113
faxes 122
from computer 72
from software application
photos from DPOF file 52
photos from memory card
print options 73
print specifications 220
proof sheet 45
Quick Print 52
self-test report 155
print cartridge
recycling 223
print cartridge protector 161
print cartridges
align 162
check ink levels 154
clean 163
clean contacts 163
clean ink nozzle area 164
gray photo print cartridge
handle 156
order 149
part names 156
photo print cartridge 160
replace 157
store 161
troubleshoot 173, 200
print margin specifications 219
print photos button 10
printer found screen,
Windows 138
printer sharing
Macintosh 24
Windows 24
prompt delay time 167
proof sheet
button 11
fill in 46
menu 13
print 45
scan 47
pulse dial 118
copy 55
HP Officejet 7200 All-in-One series

fax 116
quality button 11
Quick Print 52
Readme file 169
rear input tray 56
receive faxes
forwarding 119
manually 110
polling 111
troubleshooting 184, 187
device 223
supplies 223
redial fax 106, 120
redial/pause button 9
reduce faxes to fit 120
button 11
custom size 61
fit several on one page 60
menu 12
poster 64
resize to fit letter 62
resize to fit letter or A4 61
regulatory notices
Canadian statement 225
declaration of conformity
(European Economic
Area) 228
declaration of conformity
(U.S.) 228
FCC requirements 224
FCC statement 224
notice to users in Japan
notice to users in Korea
notice to users in the
European Economic Area
notice to users of the
German telephone
network 226
regulatory model
identification number 223
reinstall software 178
replace print cartridges 157
error 113
fax 101, 105, 113, 114 181
fax log 114
fax test failed 181
last fax transaction 114
self-test 155
self-test report 114
speed dial list 114
reprint faxes in memory 122
resolution, fax 116
restore factory settings 167
restore network defaults 139
return your HP All-in-One 209
right arrow 10
ring, answer pattern 119
rings to answer fax 109
RJ-45 plug 136, 147, 148
router 132, 137
faxes in memory 120
photos to computer 43
from control panel 67
from directly connected
device 68
from networked device 68
HP Instant Share 69, 127
proof sheet 47
scan specifications 222
stop 71
to memory card 70
scan document
HP Director (OS 9) 19
HP Director (Windows) 15
scan glass
clean 152
load original 34
scan picture
HP Director (OS 9) 19
HP Director (Windows) 15
HP Image Zone (OS X) 17
scan to
menu button 10
scan to menu
USB - Macintosh 13
USB - Windows 13
scan to OCR
HP Image Zone (OS X) 17
scan to PDF
HP Image Zone (OSX) 17
schedule, fax 107
scroll speed 166
Secure Digital memory card 42
self-test report 114, 155
send fax
basic fax 104
HP Director (Windows) 15
HP Image Zone (OS X) 17
manual 106, 108, 186
memory, from 108
monitor dialing 108
redial 106
schedule 107
speed dials 107
two-sided originals 105
send to a device
from a memory card 125
HP Image Zone 129, 130
scanned images 127
serial number 205
serial phone system 76
service ID 205
set link speed 140
HP Director (OS 9) 20
auto answer 102
date and time 111
fax 117
print options 73
speed, fax 121
settings, restoring defaults 139
answering machine 92, 93
computer modem 85, 87,
93, 97
distinctive ringing 82, 119
DSL line 80
fax 75
ISDN line 81
menu 11
menu button 10
PBX system 81
separate fax line 80
shared phone line 83
test fax 101, 181
troubleshoot fax 180
voice mail 84, 97
signal strength (wireless
network settings) 145
SmartMedia memory card 42
reinstall 178
troubleshoot installation
uninstall 178
User Guide

software application, print
from 72
software installation
Macintosh 138
Windows 137
software update. See device
sounds, adjust fax 118
10 x 15 cm photo paper
banner paper 218
copy 220
envelopes 218
environmental 222
fax 221
labels 218
legal paper 218
letter paper 218
memory card 221
photo paper 218
power 222
print 220
scan 222
transparencies 218
speed dial button 9
speed dialing
create entries 114, 115
delete settings 116
edit 115
groups 115
print list 114
send fax 107
SSID 144
start copy black 10
start copy color 10
start fax black button 9
start fax color button 9
start scan button 10
status (general network
settings) 142
copy 66
fax 119, 123
print job 74
scan 71
scheduled fax 108
subnet mask (general network
settings) 142
subscriber identification code
before you call 168
resources 168
switch from USB to network
symbols, enter 112
system requirements 218
technical information
copy specifications 220
specifications 222
fax specifications 221
memory card
specifications 221
paper sizes 219
paper specifications 218
paper tray capacities 218
physical specifications 222
power specifications 222
print margin
specifications 219
print specifications 220
scan specifications 222
system requirements 218
weight 222
receive fax 110
send fax 106
telephone answering machine.
See answering machine
telephone numbers, customer
support 205
telephone wall jack, fax 182
dial tone 183
fax hardware test 181
fax line condition 183
fax port 182
fax setup 101, 181
fax test failed 181
phone cord 182
telephone wall jack 182
enhance on copies 63
enter on keypad 112
time, set 111
tone dial 118
total packets received 147
total packets transmitted 146
transfer images
HP Director (Windows) 15
load 39
about 168
about setup 169
answering machines 189
blocked carriage 175
contact HP Support 168
fax 180, 184, 186, 189, 191
fax test 181
hardware setup 169
incorrect measurements
jams, paper 41, 175, 192
language, display 171
memory cards 201
paper 192
paper jam 175
print cartridges 173, 200
Readme file 169
receiving faxes 184, 187
sending faxes 184, 186
setup 169
software installation 176
static on phone line 190
support resources 168
USB cable 170
two-sided faxes 105, 109
two-sided printing accessory
jams, troubleshoot 194
two-wire phone cord 184, 190
software 178
unload images
HP Director (OS 9) 19
HP Image Zone (OS X) 17
upgrade from USB to
network 132
URL (general network
settings) 142
USB cable installation 170
voice mail
set up with fax 84, 97, 102
troubleshoot 187
volume, adjust fax 118
wall jack test, fax 182
statement 214
upgrades 204
HP Officejet 7200 All-in-One series

Webscan 25
Windows software installation
wireless status (wireless
network settings) 144
xD memory card 42
User Guide

HP Officejet 7200 All-in-One series

© 2004 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
Electronic Edition